
These properties are owned by the group and managed by various members, click the links provided to visit the various locations in the game. No hours of operation are listed as all locations run 24/7 on an as needed/on-call basis.

Main Office

Property Manager: Sterling_ODeaghaidh
Place Type: Funeral Home

Bayview County

Property Manager: Brendan_McDonough
Place Type: Office/Chapel
Location: 217 N Main 
Shoreside Township, Bayview County 

Roseford County

Property Manager: Sterling_ODeaghaidh
Place Type: Funeral Chapel

Property Manager: Sterling_ODeaghadih
Place Type: Funeral Chapel

Independent Locations

ActuallyConnor's Office

Property Manager: ActuallyConnor
Place Type: Funeral Home
Location: https://www.roblox.com/games/1233534502/Cedar-Memorial-Mortuary

Captain_Brenneman's office

Property Manager: Captain_Brenneman
Place Type: Funeral Home

Robloxian Builders Club Cemetery

Property Manager: Sterling_ODeaghaidh
Place Type: Cemetery

Pioneer Memorial Crematorium

Property Manager: Sterling_ODeaghaidh
Place Type: Crematorium

Roblox County Public Cemetery

Property Manager: Sterling_ODeaghaidh
Place Type: Cemetery

Robloxian Public Cemetery

Property Manager: Sterling_ODeaghaidh
Place Type: Cemetery

Southern Roblox Public Cemetery

Property Manager: Sterling_ODeaghaidh
Place Type: Cemetery

Oceanic Chapel 

Property Manager: Sterling_ODeaghaidh
Place Type: Funeral Chapel

Robloxian Memorial Cemetery 

Property Manager: Sterling_ODeagahidh
Place Type: Cemetery